Japanese English top
Table  51(Pop., Birth)
Live Births (Sex, Sex Ratio at Birth, Crude Birth Rate) 1962-2003
     Live Births  Year Total Male Female Sex Ratio  Crude Birth Rate**
1962 370,762 188,938 181,824 1,039 35.5
1963 365,842 186,484 179,358 1,040 34.1
1964 361,577 183,721 177,856 1,033 33.2
1965 369,444 187,764 181,680 1,033 33.1
1966 369,153 187,796 181,357 1,039 30.4
1967 369,531 187,575 181,956 1,031 30.0
1968 384,178 195,601 188,577 1,037 29.4
1969 372,774 189,370 183,404 1,033 30.4
1970 367,901 187,535 180,366 1,040 27.5
1971 382,668 195,306 187,362 1,042 27.8
1972 385,462 196,354 189,108 1,038 27.8
1973 367,158 187,251 179,907 1,041 27.9
1974 365,902 186,054 179,848 1,035 28.5
1975 375,857 190,669 185,188 1,030 27.9
1976 380,702 194,019 186,683 1,039 28.5
1977 389,522 198,267 191,255 1,037 28.9
1978 404,831 206,845 197,986 1,045 28.4
1979 417,986 213,238 204,748 1,041 28.2
1980 418,373 213,584 204,789 1,043 26.9
1981 423,793 217,314 206,479 1,052 26.3
1982 408,895 208,630 200,265 1,042 29.9
1983 405,122 206,644 198,478 1,041 26.3
1984 391,064 199,834 191,230 1,045 25.1
1985 389,599 198,935 190,664 1,043 24.6
1986 361,735 184,707 177,028 1,043 22.4
1987 357,723 183,105 174,618 1,049 21.8
1988 344,179 176,467 167,712 1,052 20.7
1989 363,343 185,607 177,736 1,044 21.6
1990 338,218 172,819 165,399 1,045 20.8
1991 356,593 181,691 174,902 1,039 21.7
1992 356,842 181,625 175,217 1,037 21.5
1993 350,707 178,577 172,130 1,037 20.8
1994 356,071 181,634 174,437 1,041 20.8
1995 343,224 174,675 168,549 1,036 19.9
1996 340,649 173,603 167,046 1,039 19.5
1997 333,219 170,403 162,816 1,046 18.8
1998 325,821 166,657 159,164 1,047 18.2
1999 329,521 168,237 161,284 1,043 18.1
2000 340,144 174,548 165,596 1,054 18.4
2001 354,101 181,021 173,080 1,045 18.9
2002 343,549 165,714 177,835 1,044 19.1
2003 363,343 185,886 177,457 1,047 18.9
© 2008, KRI (Kusaka Research Institute) 
Statistical Abstract 2004, Department of Census & Statistics
*;   Sex Ratio : Male births per 1,000 female births 
**; Crude Birth Rate : Live births per 1,000 population unit.
Revised:  2008(y)/07(m)/31(d)
Chief Editor:
   Dr. Milton Rajaratne (B.Com., M.Sc., Ph.D.)
     The Head, Department of Management Studies
     University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka